Heating and Cooling Done Right

Delivering steam and chilled water frees our customers from the cost of owning, maintaining, and repairing expensive heating and cooling systems. It’s an intelligent energy infrastructure solution built for efficiency and sustainability.

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corix grid pattern

Economical, Reliable, Sustainable

Cleveland Thermal’s district energy system delivers diverse heating and cooling profiles to all of the buildings connected to our network. This creates an economy of scale, which increases the efficiency of energy deployment, resulting in customer savings.

Learn More About District Energy

Efficient Energy

Customers control how much heating or cooling they need and only pay for what they use. Plus, long-term agreements allow for stable energy costs.

Dependable Service

District energy systems only use industrial-grade production equipment and controls. This means you’ll receive continuous operational monitoring and advanced load forecasting to optimize your operations.

Environmental Protection

With district energy comes cleaner fuel options. These significantly cut carbon emissions, resulting in a reduced carbon footprint unachievable on a building-by-building basis.

Safe, Reliable Heating

District Heating

Cleveland Thermal produces steam at our centralized plant. We then deliver the safe, reliable energy through underground service lines to buildings for heating, humidification, and various process applications. Our service is designed to meet the requirements of each building to ensure the most efficient solution.

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man standing in cooling facilities
Cost-effective Cooling

District Cooling

Cleveland Thermal’s closed-loop system provides chilled water for cooling and dehumidification. Delivering a finished product to customer buildings means they no longer need to purchase, operate, and maintain chillers and cooling towers. Also, our absorption and steam-driven turbine chillers help minimize a building’s peak electricity demand and costs.

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Why Cleveland Thermal

On the bluffs east of downtown, the Hamilton Avenue Plant produces energy for our Cleveland customers. In 2017, the system transitioned from coal to natural gas, reducing CO2 and GHG emissions by 84%. We’re still on that clean energy journey today, providing reliable, cost-effective, and efficient heating and cooling to the Cleveland community.

Cleveland Thermal also offers value-added services designed to optimize your air handling equipment, identify opportunities to conserve energy, and manage heating and cooling costs.

Opportunities for Long-term Energy Improvements

We're your partners in achieving lasting energy improvements that benefit you over time. Starting with an energy assessment, we uncover deficiencies and performance opportunities. Then, we’ll suggest cost-saving measures and environmental improvements you can make.
Cleveland Thermal also offers value-added services designed to optimize your air handling equipment, identify opportunities to conserve energy, and manage heating and cooling costs.

A Team of Experts in Your Corner

Cleveland Thermal’s mechanical engineers are heating and cooling experts. With extensive system experience, their knowledge is available to our customers in a consultative capacity.

For long-term benefits, we provide life cycle analysis of your systems and equipment, and preventative and predictive maintenance plans.

Get the Maximum Benefit of District Energy

To assist our customers in the proper use of heating and cooling systems, we offer on-site system training for a customer’s facility team. The optimal operation and performance of your district energy heating and cooling service happens when you’re informed and equipped with the proper knowledge and training.

Interested in Learning More?

We develop energy solutions for a vibrant future, partnering with people and communities to drive lasting change and tangible results. Reach out today to see how we can help.

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