Privacy Policy


This policy describes the practices of the Corix with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in Canada, in light of applicable provincial and Canadian federal personal information protection legislation. This policy applies to the personal information we collect when you visit our websites, purchase our products or services, contact our customer services department or otherwise interact with Corix.

Consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information may be given in various ways and may be express or implied. Generally, by providing us with personal information, we will assume that an individual consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with the terms of this policy. Subject to legal or contractual requirements and reasonable notice, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Corix as outlined in this policy.  If you withdraw your consent, Corix may be limited or unable to provide you with certain services, products or information.

Corix’s Commitment to Protecting Privacy of Personal Information

Corix is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information that Corix holds about its customers and other individuals with whom Corix does business. To provide a high level of protection, Corix maintains standards designed to protect privacy and prevent the misuse of any personal information. This policy reflects that commitment.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual, as more particularly defined in applicable personal information protection legislation. Examples of personal information include items such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, gender, date of birth, marital status, credit history and social insurance and other personal identification numbers.

In the course of carrying out business, Corix collects, uses and discloses personal information about its customers and other individuals. We understand the private nature of this personal information and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that we limit its collection, use and disclosure to the purpose for which it was gathered.

Collecting and Using Personal Information

Corix collects and uses personal information for the purposes reasonably required for it to carry on business. The types of personal information collected by Corix and the purposes for which it is used include the following:

  • To establish and maintain a business relationship.

    Corix will collect personal information such as name, address, telephone number and email address from its customers and other individuals with whom Corix carries on business to confirm identity and contact information. Corix may also collect credit card, bank and credit information for customers to set up accounts and facilitate billing, credit, collections and customer service.

  • To develop and improve products and services.

    Corix may collect personal information in connection with the products and services purchased or used by its customers to enhance them or to offer service recommendations or information on relevant products and services to those customers.

  • To understand customer needs and preferences.

    Corix keeps some personal information on customers’ needs and preferences, as well as contact information, for the purpose of providing personalized service. For example, if a customer wishes to pay bills electronically or be notified of upcoming rebate offers by e-mail, we may ask for information to identify the customer’s on-line identity (e.g. e-mail address).

  • For quality assurance purposes.

    Corix may record your telephone discussions with our customer support representatives for quality assurance, security, investigations and training purposes.

  • To manage Corix’s business and operations.

    Corix collects and analyzes information on customer usage of its products and services to better understand future customer requirements and assist in forecasting activities. This information may also be used to assist Corix in planning future system and rate changes. Corix may also collect and use personal information provided to Corix to respond to requests, inquiries, comments and suggestions and maintain records of correspondence with us, or as permitted or required by law or otherwise with your consent.

  • For marketing purposes.

    Corix may also use personal information collected in connection with the products and services purchased or used by its customers to bring new services and products to the attention of those customers.

  • Investigate Complaints.

    Corix may collect and use personal information to investigate complaints and to respond to privacy breaches.

  • Legal Proceedings.

    Corix may collect and use personal information to bring or defend against legal proceedings.

  • Video.

    Corix may collect and use video surveillance in and around our offices, facilities and other locations for the safety of our employees and third parties, and to protect against theft, property damage and fraud.

  • Applying for a position.

    Corix may collect and use personal information if you apply for a position with Corix, including from you directly, as well as from employers and personal references.

How Corix Collects Personal Information

Corix collects most information directly from customers and the other individuals with whom Corix does business. With your consent, we may also obtain personal information from third parties such as credit agencies or personal information agents, or other personal references given by you.

You represent and warrant that you have the right and authority or have obtained all necessary consents to provide any information, including any personal information of another individual, that is provided by you to Corix.

Retention of Personal Information

The personal information that you provide will be retained by Corix in accordance with applicable laws and Corix will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information it holds if it is no longer needed for Corix’s business purposes.

When Corix Shares Personal Information

Corix may, on occasion, need to disclose personal information to other parties about our customers, or about others with whom we do business. This is done with the strict understanding that it is for a specific legitimate business purpose. Some examples of when personal information may be disclosed include the following:

  • To enable the provision of services.

    Corix may disclose personal information to related entities within Corix, third party agents, consultants or service providers, for the purpose of collecting, transferring, using, disclosing, storing and processing personal information, including, but not limited to providing services to customers on our behalf, such as billing, mailing, payment collection or customer service, or responding to a privacy breach, or if you apply for a position with Corix and for the purposes outlined in the Collecting and Using Personal Information section of this policy. Personal information may be collected, transferred, used, disclosed, stored and processed outside of Canada, including the United States of America, and will be subject to the applicable legal requirements in that jurisdiction and that personal information may be accessible to courts, law enforcement and national security authorities of that jurisdiction.This policy, including the Privacy Officer contact information in the How to Contact Us with Privacy Questions section of this policy, applies to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information even where it is processed by service providers and stored outside of Canada, including the United States of America.

  • To assist an agent acting on a customer’s behalf.

    Corix may disclose information to an individual’s agent (such as, for example, the individual’s legal counsel) if Corix is satisfied that that person is authorized to seek the information of the individual.

  • To facilitate accounting processes.

    Corix may disclose information for the purpose of collecting on a debt obligation owing to Corix.

  • To protect a person from imminent danger.

    Corix may disclose personal information as authorized or required by law or regulatory requirements, such as disclosure to a public authority or its agent, if Corix reasonably believes the disclosure is required to protect the life, health or security of an individual.

  • Research or business planning.

    Corix may disclose personal information to a third party to perform research and analysis for customer service and business planning activities.

  • In specific situations.

    Corix may acquire new businesses or sell or assign, merge, amalgamate or transfer all or parts of its businesses. Since personal information associated with any accounts, products or services of the business being purchased, sold, assigned, merged, amalgamated or transferred will typically be included in such transactions, Corix may disclose such information to such other entities as part of the transaction or pre-transaction review.

  • For legal compliance.

    Corix may disclose personal information for law enforcement purposes, to comply with legal or regulatory requirements and to comply with valid legal processes such as search warrants, subpoenas or court orders.


In order to improve its websites on an ongoing basis, Corix may use cookies and similar technologies to track the visit of users to the websites. Corix may also use cookies to remember your choices when you are accessing Corix subsites for the next time you visit. A cookie is a small piece of data that is transferred to your computer (or other device used to access the internet) through your web browser and can be read by the websites that placed it. Corix’s cookies do not store personal information. Users can set their browsers to notify of cookies or disable cookies, but please note that some functions of these websites may not be available if cookies are disabled.

Corix uses Google Analytics and may use certain other third-party analytics services. The providers of these services may independently collect, use, and disclose your IP address together with information about your visits to these and other websites that they service in accordance with their own privacy policies (and not this privacy policy). These services may use their own cookies and other data collection technologies. They may use this information in order to improve your experience, to gain a view of how people are using websites that they service so that improvements can be made, and as otherwise permitted in their privacy policies.

Corix’s Commitment to Security of Personal Information

Corix is committed to protecting your personal information and we will do so in several ways including:

  • Corix will limit the collection, use and disclosure of personal information to the extent reasonably required to conduct our business and provide ongoing service as set out in this policy.
  • Corix will maintain suitable safeguards to protect the personal information we possess, including limiting access to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis.
  • Corix expects other organizations to meet the same standards as we do before sharing any personal customer information.

Your Options Regarding Personal Information

You may withdraw or limit your consent to Corix’s collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information at any time, subject to any legal or contractual restrictions. Corix will process and implement such requests within a reasonable amount of time. Note, however, that such requests may limit Corix’s ability to provide you with the optimal level of service or any service. Corix will advise you if this is the case.

Corix, however, may collect, use or disclose personal information without your knowledge or consent in limited circumstances, including:

  • When such collection, use or disclosure is permitted or required by law;
  • When use of information is for acting in an emergency that threatens an individual’s life, health, or personal security;
  • When certain information is publicly available;
  • When Corix needs to collect a debt from you; and
  • When Corix needs to deal with an anticipated breach of law.

Corix does not provide our customer information to third parties for any reasons other than those described in this policy, nor do we sell our customer lists. If you have any concerns or questions about your privacy or to request access to the personal information we have about you, please contact our Privacy Officer (see How to Contact Us with Privacy Questions below).

Corix will honour any individual’s reasonable request to review and update their own personal information. There may be a nominal processing fee for personal information requests. You will be notified if a fee will be required before we process your request. Corix will take reasonable steps to process these requests in a timely manner.

In certain situations, Corix may not be able to provide access to any or all personal information about you. In such cases, Corix will explain in writing the reasons it will not provide the requested information and identify resources for redress available to you.

Keeping Personal Information Accurate

Corix attempts to keep our records as accurate and complete as possible. You can help us maintain the accuracy of your information by notifying us in writing of any changes to your personal information. If you find any errors in our information about you, let us know in writing and we will make the corrections promptly and make sure that the information is conveyed to anyone we may have misinformed. For information that remains in dispute, we will note your opinion in the file.

How to Contact Us with Privacy Questions

Please direct your inquiries in writing to our Privacy Officer at or Corix Group of Companies, Attention: Privacy Officer, Suite 1160, 1188 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6E 4A2.

Updates to Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may make changes to our privacy policy. We will post an updated copy of the policy on our websites.

The privacy policy was last updated in December of 2019.